Here we get to the Core of things

Get rid of moths in your closet - annie-spratt-lkvD9xlWdU0-unsplash

How to get rid of moths in your closet

The best ways to save your favorite wool garments after a moth attack   In our previous blog post, we have summarised the best ways to prevent a moth attack to your closet. Unfortunately, even if you have been very diligent in applying…
How to keep your wool clothes safe_pexels-arina-krasnikova-5710043

How to protect and store your wool clothes

Tips to ensure a long life for your favorite wool garments Most of us will have lived through this terrible moment when you pull your favorite wool garment out of your closet and find it has been eaten by moths. A moth attack can happen to…
Benefits of practising yogaCore Merino

5 Benefits of Practising Yoga

International Day of Yoga 2022 On the 21st of June 2022, the world is celebrating the International Day of Yoga. We thought this is a good occasion to take a moment and learn about the many benefits of practising Yoga. A big shout-out to…
Winter Trail Running Core Merino South Africa

The Ultimate Guide to Winter Trail Running

How to stay active in winter The chill of winter has been making its way around South Africa for several weeks now and much as we prefer the long, dog days of summer, there still are plenty of great activities to do all winter long. In fact,…
Save energy with wool

How to save energy with wool

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5 tips to reduce your energy bill and help the planet Saving energy has always been important for our pockets, but also for the climate. Now, with the world being a bit in turmoil, our next energy bill will most likely be higher than usual.…
Why run in merino wool - Core MerinoCore Merino

Why you should run in wool

Haven’t started running in wool yet? Here are 5 reasons why you should.   When people think of wool, many typically think of an itchy wool sweater — definitely not the type of material you want to be wearing when you’re going…
Why Wool Matters HRH The Prince of Wales

Why Wool Matters – To the Planet and our Futures

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Why Wool Matters: A short documentary produced with His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales for the Campaign for Wool Against a background of misleading anti wool lobbying currently orchestrated by global giants of fast fashion, the Campaign…
Camp Sustainably

How to camp sustainably

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8 tips for no-impact camping With the Easter holidays coming up, some of us may consider going camping. Camping allows us to emerge ourselves entirely in nature and experience the wild and basic life. Experiencing the great outdoors is a wonderful…
Core Merino Bikepacking Guide

A Beginner’s Guide to Bikepacking

We have to be honest, none of us at Core Merino are experts on bikepacking. But we have been fortunate to regale in stories with quite a number of our customers who have taken our gear out on their own bikepacking adventures, which has left…